
by melina
Publicerades: 9 mars, 2022 (3 år sedan)
Stockholm, Sverige
(visa på karta )
Sökes eller erbjudes?
Hemlös söker
Vad sökes / erbjudes?

My name is Melina. I am fom Ukraine and I just came a few nights ago from Kyiv. I took myself out from the war. I escaped from the hell, from the blood and screaming, from all pain. Now I am here and reach my hand for help, because I'm weak and I have no help. I'm currently in Stockholm.

Practically I am homeless. There is a friend that help me to have some roof but it will not stay like that for long.

I'm a strong believer in Jesus, and for me it's important if someone will help me, that person respects Jesus as Gods son, otherwise I don't want help from that person.

Is there anyone or any church or any company or any organisation that can help me with these two things: Job and Learning swedish?
I am thankful for that.

Please write down to me here, and i'll be back to you as soon as I can.

Love, peace and blessings in Jesus almighty name ✝

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  1. Hi Melina!
    I want to try to help you 🙏🏼
    I can help you to write a resume and tell you how to look for a job. And there are classes you can take to learn swedish I can try to help you with that also.
    If you want you can come to my church on sunday, its INRI church in Stockholm and if you want you can call me and we can talk! God bless // Josefin

  2. I will pray för a solution för you and your problems. I am a 66 years old woman living upp in the North of Sweden Take care of yourself and thrust God. Jesus is big and is always by our side. Lots of love From Kristina är en icke-ideell tjänst som har en ideell del i sig som heter Hemlösa
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